Is there a whitelist?

Yes. There will be a whitelist for members who have been active in our community and showed dedication to the project and future of the BCRC.

When & what is the First Mint

Our official launch date for the public mint will be on December 17, 2021 18:00 PST. The presale for whitelisted members takes place shortly prior to the public mint.

How many Boss Cats are there?

There is a finite supply of 9,999 Boss Cats.

Which wallets can I use to buy a BCRC?

You can purchase your BCRC during our pre-sale/public mint using a Cardano Shelley-Era Wallet such as CC Wallet, Nami, Daedalus, AdaLite, or Yoroi.

What is the mint price?

The mint price for a BCRC will be 20 ADA.

Does the Boss Cats have rarity?

Yes, the Boss Cats indeed will have rarity. Here’s the Rarity Guide and Ranking.

How can I get whitelisted?

Please join our Discord where the full details are provided. There are a number of different ways you can get whitelisted, so be sure to check it out and get involved!

How can I help the community grow?

As you must know, NFT projects thrive off a healthy community. By engaging with the team and each other on our discord, having proactive and supportive conversation goes a long way in a community. Invite your friends, get people excited about where this project is going, and talk cats in space!

How long have you been working on the project?

We started developing the concept and artwork roughly 9 months ago, and have been evolving it over time to eventually create the Boss Cat Rocket Club we are launching now.

Why Cardano?

We initially did plan to launch on Ethereum, but with the recent gas fees skyrocketing, we felt the need to find a way to make our project more accessible to everyone. Cardano is an up and coming Blockchain ecosystem which we have high hopes for the future. Opensea will soon support Cardano NFT trading, and smart contracts are nearly available as well. With gas fees being astronomically higher with Ethereum, we see it as only a matter of time before Cardano gains serious traction in the NFT space.

Is there a marketing team?

We do have a dedicated marketing team on board, led by our key Marketing Strategies and Social Media Head. As our community grows, so will our marketing team!

Will you maintain the floor price?

Absolutely. We will be buying back any NFT listed below the mint price.

What is the economic aspect of the project?

We are currently exploring the possibility of a community pool to finance possible projects both within our community and elsewhere. We are also very excited about our plans with the virtual gallery and exclusive auctions, a portion of which will go towards the community and these said projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions